Saturday, July 14, 2018

Time - Alliteration Litter & Remnants

First there's...
Time out!
Time's up!
Time zone.
Time table.
Time clock.
Time magazine.
Time marches on.
Time management.
Time is of the essence.

On the other hand...
All time.
No time.
Time remnants: Grandpa and Grandma
Campbell or Gladue's
pocket watch and "Awl For All." 
It's time.
Big time.
Old time.
Lap time.
Nap time.
Any time.
Half time.
Real time.
Bed Time.
Hard time.
Over time.
Party time.
Early time.
Exact time.
Prime time.
Break time.
About time.
Waste time.
World time.
Father time.
Test of time.
Crunch time.
Current time.
Quarter time.
Estimated time.
Appointment time.
Howdy Doody time!
Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner time.

Or opposites...
First and Last time.
Start and End time.
Good and Bad time.
Day and Night time.
Best and Worst time.

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