"Hey! What's that thing
that appears to be hovering over your shoulder?"
"It's my assault drone."
"Wow. Impressive. How does it work?"
"Well, I control it with the app I have loaded in my iWatch here."
"Interesting. And what is that thing sticking out the top that looks like a sailfish fin?"
"That's the high-capacity magazine. Holds 50 rounds of jacketed .357 mags."
"Wow... is it automatic or..."
"Yeah, it will fire all 50 rounds in less than 20 seconds."
"How do you reload it?"
"Pretty simple. You just hit 'Home" on your iWatch and it immediately attaches itself to this PAD belt I am wearing. Then I can drop a new mag in it in a couple of seconds."
"Yea, 'Personal Assault Drone'."
"Why would you want something like that though?"
"Well, let's say I was attacked by a dozen dozen 550 pound Russian boars, or maybe the same number of federal agents. Maybe even a couple of hundred elementary school kids. You never know...."