Friday, July 9, 2010

Atlas Shrugged

Yes, they are making a movie!  

But, and this is a really big but, they are casting it with unknowns (at least to me anyway).

Hopefully it won't have Ayn's fans, me included, shrugging.


Annie said...

Hi Tom,
Although Ayn Rand could be a powerful writer, I don't like her ideas, her philosophies, or the Ayn Rand Institute. I remember reading most, if not all of her books, as a senior in high school. Among other things, I didn't appreciate the concept of rape as consensual, particularly in The Fountainhead. Today's kids are still being introduced to her through the book, Anthem, and essay contests sponsored by the Institute, inferring endorsement by the schools that assign them. I suppose I'd have to re-read her to identify exactly what I don't like. At the time I read her, I remember being impressed by her, as well as appalled. Still, I hope the movie version of Atlas Shrugged does the book justice, for you.

Annie said...

Hi Tom,

I hope you don't mind me sharing my opinion. I know there's a lot about Ayn Rand to like, and a lot of people do. ~ Annie

(resspo this time!)

TomC said...

Thanks for your comments Annie. I know about the Institute (read a little), I recall the consensual rape part of The Fountainhead and I agree with you on both. Fact is, I just read and enjoyed them as what they are... novels. I did appreciate her ideas about independence and cautions about government control but I did, and still do, take them more in general, rather than all or nothing terms. I think those (not you) who try to take her stuff literally are in danger of joining the lunatic fringe... just a novel, not a non-fiction essay. But great, great novels. I just loved them.