Nothing said
That hasn't been read... already
Nothing read
That hasn't been written... already
Nothing written
That hasn't been wrote... already
So why do we say it?
Why do we write it?
For the fun of the spin we're in...
To share the past
To capture the moment
To predict the future
To redirect opinion
To convince ourselves
To protect our memories
Why do we say,
"Words cannot describe...?"
When that, in and of itself
Begins a description.
And if its a competition of words
Either spoken or written
We will spin it to win it
That's what we do.
In some ways yes, and in many ways, no. That's why we still try to say it. Through our unique experience and our attempts to describe it, we find our humanity, and our connections to each other. I am often amazed when I view art, or read a beautiful passage, or listen to intricate music, marveling how this particular combination of color and line, this particular combination of words, this expression of notes, says something only the individual artist or author or musician, and no one else, could have created, and yet it says so much to all of us.
I like this... a lot Annie. Thank you.
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