Monday, December 22, 2014

Dubya, B.O. and Little Dickie

Dubya, "What's the word I'm looking for?"
Little Dickie, "Evildoers."
Dubya, "That's it!  Let's corral them and put them somewhere right?!"
Little Dickie,  "Yup.  You're on the right track.  Let's corral them in Cuba and torture them until they tell us what we want to know."
Dubya,  "Done."

(Years later)

Little Dickie,  "Well Dubya, it didn't work.  They didn't tell us a damn thing. Now the problem is we can't just release them because they will go squealing home to Momma, complaining about the torture and probably come up with some more evildoing. Not too mention a bunch of self-righteous Americans are going to find out and claim torture is 'not who we are'."
Dubya,  "Sounds about right.  So what can we do?'
Little Dickie,  "Keep them in the corral and let them become the next President's problem."
Dubya, "Well okay boss...but I have this note here from someone in my Cabinet, forgot his name, that says we are spending over $400 million a year to keep that place open.  Does that matter?"
Little Dickie,  "Not all.  Hell, I make that much from my Halliburton defense contracts.  Besides you and I are not paying for it.  With the tax loopholes we have it costs us nothing.  The average schmuck in the street is picking up this tab."
Dubya, "But Dickie, somethings wrong with this."
Little Dickie, "Now Dubya, don't sass me.  Remember how fancy I can get with a shotgun.  Besides, your father told you to mind me so step up."

(Pre-2008 election)

B.O., "I will close Guantanamo."


B.O., "I am still closing Guantanamo."

Little Dickie, "I would do it again."

B.O., Little Dickie and Dubya, "Let's just not call it 'torture' okay?!"


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