Saturday, December 30, 2017


Yes, "...on my mind" 
"Gentle On My Mind"
Thanks Glen Campbell

Crisp cold day
The "Pistol", wife JMC; "Microphone", son TTC;
"Quill & Ink", daughter SMC
Sketch by Samantha Marie Campbell
representing my wife, son and daughter
(Suggested tattoo for her Dad who
 was contemplating one...pending) 
Early morning Sun sends warmth
Through closed car window

Gentle; easy on my face

Leather wrapped steering wheel
Connected to me

Gentle; the wheel, leather, baby soft on my hands

Traffic lights all turn green before me
Clearing path to destination

Gentle; good, green signals through my eyes

No radio on
Just the deep growl of a mighty American V-8

Gentle; familiar and relaxing to my fading ears

These are ofttimes my collected thoughts
Simple things meaningful to me
Yet unknown to others unless mentioned here

But yes, there is another CRISP
And many more that could be titled the same

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