Sunday, June 21, 2009

The Test

The student: Philosophy 101...he knew nothing about the subject. He didn’t want to be there either but it was required.

His professor: Not a person of pleasant demeanor. He didn’t act like he wanted to be there either. He seemed mostly bored and impatient.  His teaching philosophy “I lecture. You take notes. I administer tests". So he took notes. Tons of them. No time to think…just write.

The professor; “My final exam will include three of these 5 possible essays.” So the student converted his notes to outline form. Four levels deep; I., A., 1., a.

His wife did the prompting… her patience like no other. After his day job, he spent several nights on the couch moaning and groaning. Trying to force the four levels into his brain one level at a time. First the Roman numerals. Then the capital letters…and on and on. His wife suffered through it with him. They timed him to peak…right at the final. His brain was a piñata of philosophy notes.

The night of finals. Three essay questions as promised on the black board. “Fair enough!”…he decided to write his outlines first. Once finished, he began converting his outlines...notes to longhand. It was tedious but there was no stated time limit. Head down and busy, he continued. Finally, he looked up and there was no one.
No one in the classroom but him and the professor who didn’t want to be there. He had two of the three essays complete. Nevertheless, he gathered his paper and left his desk for the professor’s.

“Look, I am only done with two of three questions. But if you will review what I have and agree to give me an A, we can both go home”.

The professor looked at the outlines then looked at the two essays and said, “Did you bring these outlines in here”? “No, No!” he said, "I wrote them here when I saw the questions and I am converting them to essay form".

The professor pondered a moment. Perhaps he was thinking of a cold brew waiting in his refrigerator. “Okay” he said. They had a deal.

Philosophy 101... probably not quite the way Socrates intended.

His wife ultimately tacked on another of several degrees.  Her name isn't on any of the certificates but she owns them as much as anyone.


jack sender said...

TomC, that was very nice. As much as the professor,I appreciate your efforts - both of yours.

TomC said...

Thanks for your comment Jack - I still feel bad for that guy whenever I think of him. He didn't seem like a happy person.