Saturday, May 17, 2008

The Nunnery

So I was in the Denver airport
At my gate area
Waiting for a flight.
I noticed a young woman.
Dressed in a brown habit.

It was a fairly modern habit I guess.
Included a printed blouse.
But also had the traditional veil.

It just popped into my head
“Get thee to a nunnery!”.
Of course I didn’t say it.
But I thought it.

My next thought was
Where did that come from?
The thought that is.

So when I arrived at my
Road Warrior room for the evening
I Googled it.
It said, “Get thee to a nunnery”.
Was from a Shakespeare play.

I have never seen Hamlet.
In fact,
I have never had an interest in Shakespeare.
So where did that come from?

I know nothing but random thoughts.
Google knows everything,
And is much better organized.

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